Smarter Obfuscation

DeployLX CodeVeil performs a complete analysis of the entire application to identify all explicit and implicit dependencies, standard naming conventions and serialization requirements.

With this detailed information, CodeVeil can eliminate un-needed meta-data, overload obfuscated names, and even generate non-displayable zero-width names. All without breaking the existing app.

CodeVeil will even disguise calls to third party assemblies and the .NET framework.

What is Obfuscation? The Veiling Process

  • Resolve explicit and implicit inheritance
  • Identify and overload generics
  • Detect XML and WCF serialization classes
  • Maximum method name overloading
  • Remove type and member names 

Active Runtime Protection

While most passive obfuscation techniques stop protecting your application once delivered, DeployLX CodeVeil remains active. Taking aggressive measures to actively interfere with the efforts of hackers to debug, tamper and reverse engineer your protected assemblies.

The Runtime Executive uses innovative techniques to corrupt debugger internal structures and interfere with static code analysis.

Runtime Protection 

  • Tamper proof decryption corrupts runtime when modified
  • Anti-debugging for WinDBG, OLLYDBG, SoftICE, and others.
  • Anti-Tracing
  • Anti-Dumping

Whole Application Protection

DeployLX looks at the entire application and protects assemblies as a whole rather than protecting assemblies individually.

By considering the entire application, CodeVeil can obfuscate public types and members exposed by one assembly and consumed by another.

  • Protect multiple assemblies simultaneously
  • Obfuscate public members used by external assemblies
  • Break compilers to prevent 3rd party use
  • Bundle dependencies into a single distributable assembly

Ambient Decryption

DeployLX CodeVeil was the first to offer .NET assembly encryption. Now with advanced runtime injection, API redirects and just-in-time decryption, protected applications are never decrypted in memory.

CodeVeil's Runtime Executive decrypts just enough for the .NET runtime to execute a specific method, then deletes it from memory. The original assembly is never decrypted in memory. 

  • Just-in-time decryption
  • Runtime level injection
  • Custom OS level API redirection
  • Redundant collapsible decryption key corrupts when the assembly is modified