How-to: Customize or Translate Form Text

This article will demonstrates how to create a custom translation for DeployLX Licensing forms and errors. This can be used to create a custom translation or change the wording of the form text in the default DeployLX Licensing v4.x screens. 

Creating Your Translation

Complete the instructions outlined in How to Create a Custom Translation topic. This will allow you to build a translation file to save and work with in the DeployLX Manager. At this time only build the translation, do not export it.

Adding the Translation to Your Project

  1. Add a new folder to your project in In Visual Studio by selecting Project | New Folder and name it Resources.
  2. Following the instructions in the How to Create a Custom Translation topic to create a new Translation Project. 
  3. Save the translation project to your Visual Studio project's root folder.
  4. From the DeployLX Manager, Export your translation to the Resource folder you created. Do not change the name.
  5. In Visual Studio with your project open, right-click the Resource folder and select Add | Existing Item.
  6. Navigate to your Resource folder. Select the new RESX file that was created during the export and select Add.
  7. Copy the default translation from [Program Files]\XHEO\DeployLX\[Version]\Redistributable\Resx\DeployLX.Licensing.[Version].resx file to your Resources folder and repeat steps 5 & 6 above to add it to your project.

Testing Your Translation

By default, DeployLX Licensing will assume the same culture as the user's operating system when the application is launched. When testing you can override this behavior and specify the culture to use for the current thread.

Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("en-US")
_license = SecureLicenseManager.Validate(Me, Nothing, Nothing)
Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo( "en-US" );
_license = SecureLicenseManager.Validate( this, null, null );
Published : Mar 03, 2010
Updated : Jan 04, 2012
Views : 9971
  • licensing
  • deploylx
  • how-to
  • globalization



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