DeployLX Software Protection System

ActivationLimit Members

The ActivationLimit type exposes the following members.


Public methodActivationLimit

Initializes a new instance of the ActivationLimit class.


Public methodActivate

Attempts to activate the license by requesting permission from the user and then contacting any designated Servers or processing any provided unlock codes.

Public methodActivateAtServer

Attempts to contact one of the Servers to activate the license.

Public methodActivateAtServerAsync

Activates the license at the server.

Public methodActivateByCode

Activates the license with the given code and profile.

Protected methodAssertFeatureVersion

Asserts the feature version.

Inherited from Limit.
Protected methodAssertMinimumVersion

Asserts the license file version is at least the given version.

Inherited from Limit.
Protected methodAssertNotReadOnly

Asserts that the Limit is not read only. Use before setting the value of a property.

Inherited from Limit.
Protected methodAttachAspNetForm

Attaches the activation form to the ASP.NET application output.

Public methodCanDelayActivation

Determines whether activation can be delayed and the user can use the license until a later time.

Public methodCompareTo

Compares the Limit with another Limit.

Inherited from Limit.
Protected methodCreatePanel

Called to create a SuperFormPanel capable of showing the page with the given id.

Overrides SuperFormLimit..::..CreatePanel(String, SecureLicenseContext).
Public methodDeactivate

Deactivates the license. The application should quit immediately after deactivating the license.

Public methodDeactivateAsync

Deactivates the license asynchronously.

Public methodDeactivateAtServer

Deactivates the license at server.

Public methodDeactivateAtServerAsync

Deactivates the license at the server asynchronously.

Public methodDispose

Overloaded. Releases any managed or unmanaged resources used by the limit.

Public methodEquals Inherited from Object.
Protected methodFinalize

Releases any resources during garbage collection.

Inherited from Limit.
Public methodGetHashCode Inherited from Object.
Protected methodGetLimitName

Gets the name of the limit for serialization to XML. The default is the name of the type minus any trailing "Limit" identifier.

Inherited from Limit.
Public methodGetNameAndSummary

Gets the name and summary description of the limit for display.

Inherited from Limit.
Public methodGetOrdinal

Gets the ordinal of the Limit in the SecureLicense.

Inherited from Limit.
Protected methodGetPersistentData

Overloaded. Helper for getting data persisted between sessions.

Public methodGetProfilesForThisMachine

Gets all the Profiles that can be used to activate on this machine.

Public methodGetStateLimits

Gets the limits to validate when this instance is in the given state.

Public methodGetType Inherited from Object.
Public methodGranted

Called every time the SecureLicense is granted. Used to enforce limits that must be checked each time the license is validated.

Overrides Limit..::..Granted(SecureLicenseContext).
Protected methodHandleAspNetActivationRequest

Processes the request to activate the license via the form displayed on the ASP.NET page.

Public methodHasStateLimits

Determines whether there are any child State limits looking for the given state.

Public methodInvalidate

Invalidates any activation data currently stored in the limit.

Protected methodIsMachineValid

Checks to see if the hardware profile of the current machine matches one of the previously activated Profiles.

Protected methodMakeReadOnly

Called when the limit should become read only.

Overrides SuperFormLimit..::..MakeReadOnly()()()().
Public methodStatic memberMakeRequiredText

Makes a string that describes the requirements of the activation limit and how the user can activate.

Public methodMakeTemplateVariables

Makes the template variables.

Protected methodMemberwiseClone Inherited from Object.
Protected methodOnChanged

Overloaded. Called when a property changes.

Protected methodOnCollectionChanged

Called when an item in a collection changes

Inherited from Limit.
Protected methodOnLicenseAssigned

Called when [license assigned].

Inherited from Limit.
Public methodPeek

Allows a limit to communicate it's status without interacting with the user. Used with child limits to pick limits that are valid before attempting to interact with the user.

Overrides Limit..::..Peek(SecureLicenseContext).
Protected methodReadChildLimit

Reads a child Limit from the XML reader.

Inherited from Limit.
Protected methodReadChildLimits

Reads the child limits when the limit does not contain any child XML itself.

Inherited from Limit.
Protected methodReadFromXml

Reads the Limit properties from the XML reader.

Overrides SuperFormLimit..::..ReadFromXml(XmlReader).
Protected methodResolveCloneLinks

Resolves any references between new cloned limits and their original values.

Inherited from Limit.
Protected methodResolveDefaultShouldShowForm

Determines if the activation form should be shown.

Overrides SuperFormLimit..::..ResolveDefaultShouldShowForm(SecureLicenseContext).
Protected methodResolveShouldShowForm

Determines if the limit should show it's form when valiated.

Inherited from SuperFormLimit.
Protected methodSetPersistentData

Overloaded. Helper for setting data persisted between sessions.

Protected methodShowForm

Called to show the form. If a CustomForm is provided it will be used, otherwise creates the default SuperFormPanel for the given page.

Inherited from SuperFormLimit.
Public methodToString

Returns a String that represents the current Object.

Inherited from Limit.
Public methodValidate

Validates that the SecureLicense being granted is within the limits enforced by this object.

Overrides Limit..::..Validate(SecureLicenseContext).
Protected methodWriteToXml

Persists the Limit to the XML writer.

Overrides SuperFormLimit..::..WriteToXml(XmlWriter, LicenseSaveType).


Public propertyActiveProfile

Gets the ActivationProfile that was matched against the current machine during validation.

Public propertyAspNetFormTemplate

Gets or sets the HTML template to use for showing the activation form in an ASP.NET application. See remarks for available requirements and variables.

Public propertyAspNetHeaderTemplate

Gets or sets the HTML template to use display on the top of the page to notify the user that they need to activate.

Public propertyAutoActivate

Gets or sets a value that indicates if the license should attempt to automatically activate without asking the user.

Public propertyCanActivateByCode

Gets or sets a value that indicates if the SecureLicense can be activated with a code.

Public propertyCanDeactivate

Gets or sets a value that indicates if the license can be deactivated for use on another machine. When true, enables the license transfer wizard.

Public propertyCanDeactivateWithoutServer

Gets or sets a value that indicates if the license can be deactivated even if the all of the Servers cannot be reached.

Public propertyCodeAlgorithm

Gets or sets the CodeAlgorithm to us for generating and validating activation codes.

Public propertyCodeMask

Gets or sets a mask to use when prompting the user to enter an unlock code.

Public propertyContinueDelay

Gets or sets the number of seconds to force the user to wait before they can continue without activating.

Public propertyCustomForm

Gets or sets the assembly qualified name of a custom class to use when displaying a custom form. See remarks for requirements.

Inherited from SuperFormLimit.
Public propertyCustomForms

Gets or sets the CustomForms value.

Inherited from SuperFormLimit.
Public propertyDescription

Gets the description of the limit.

Overrides Limit..::..Description.
Public propertyDisplayName

Gets the display name of the limit, either it's Nickname or Name.

Inherited from Limit.
Public propertyFormShown

Gets or sets a value that indicates if the form was shown during validation.

Inherited from SuperFormLimit.
Public propertyHasActivated

Gets a value that indicates if the license has been activated previously. Does not validate that the hardware is still the same, only that it has been activated at some point.

Public propertyHasChildLimits

Gets a value that indicates if the limit contains any child limits.

Inherited from Limit.
Public propertyHideExtendButton

Gets or sets a value that indicates if the button to allow users to extend the grace period should be hidden. The extension form can still be reached by typing F6.

Public propertyHideManualButton

Gets or sets a value that indicates if the "Activate Manually" button should be hidden when CanActivateByCode is true. The manual activation form can still be reached by typing F7.

Public propertyIsDisposed

Gets a value that indicates if all references to this Limit have been released and the object has been disposed.

Inherited from Limit.
Public propertyIsGui

Gets a value that indicates if the limit (or child limit) will display a form to the user

Inherited from Limit.
Public propertyLastActivated

Gets the date and time when the license was last activated.

Public propertyLicense

Gets or sets a reference to the SecureLicense that contains this Limit.

Inherited from Limit.
Public propertyLimitId

Gets or sets a unique ID for the limit.

Inherited from Limit.
Public propertyLimits

Gets the collection of child limits.

Inherited from Limit.
Public propertyLogoResource

Gets or sets the URL of the logo bitmap to display on the form. Should be a 130 by 115 PNG, JPG, GIF or BMP and may contain transparency.

Public propertyName

Gets the display name of the limit.

Overrides Limit..::..Name.
Public propertyNameAndSummary

Gets the Name and SummaryText as a formatted string.

Inherited from Limit.
Public propertyNickname

Gets or sets a value to use when displaying the limit in the DeployLX Manager.

Inherited from Limit.
Public propertyParentCollection

Gets the LimitCollection that owns the limit.

Inherited from Limit.
Public propertyProfiles

Gets the collection of ActivationProfiles to track and the tolerance levels for those profiles.

Public propertyQualifiedTypeName

Gets a string to be used for loading the custom limit. The default is the fully qualified assembly name of the type.

Inherited from Limit.
Public propertyServerRetries

Gets the number of times that the server should be contacted if it fails.

Public propertyServers

Gets a collection of addresses for the LicenseServer to contact during activation. When activation the limit will attempt to contact each server in order until a valid connection can be made.

Public propertyShouldShowForm

Gets or sets a value that indicates if the activation form should be displayed to the user when the license has not been activated or the machine has changed.

Public propertyState Overrides Limit..::..State.
Public propertySummaryText

Gets a summary description of the properties set on the limit.

Inherited from Limit.
Public propertyUniqueId

Gets an id that can uniquely identify this limit and license. Useful when the LimitId is repeated across multiple licenses.

Inherited from Limit.
Public propertyUnlockEmailTemplate

Gets or sets a plain text template to use when generating email requests for an unlock code.

Public propertyValidationStates Overrides Limit..::..ValidationStates.

Explicit Interface Implementations

Explicit interface implemetationPrivate methodICloneable..::..Clone

Creates a new object that is a copy of the current instance.

Inherited from Limit.
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate methodIComparable..::..CompareTo Inherited from Limit.
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate methodISerializable..::..GetObjectData Inherited from Limit.
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate methodIXmlPersistable..::..ReadFromXml Inherited from Limit.
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate methodIXmlPersistable..::..WriteToXml Inherited from Limit.
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate eventIChange..::..Changed

Fired when one of the properties of the limit or a child objects changes.

Inherited from Limit.
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate methodIChange..::..MakeReadOnly

Marks the object as read only. Further attempts to modify the protected properties of the object should result in an exception. Objects protected by a parent's read-only status may ignore this call.

Inherited from Limit.
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate methodISuperFormLimit..::..CreatePanel

Called to create a SuperFormPanel capable of showing the page with the given id.

Inherited from SuperFormLimit.