DeployLX Software Protection System

RegistrationPanel Members

The RegistrationPanel type exposes the following members.


Public methodRegistrationPanel

Initializes a new instance of the RegistrationPanel class.


Protected methodAccessibilityNotifyClients


Protected methodAddBottomButton

Overloaded. Adds a new Button to the bottom of the .

Protected methodAddBottomControl

Overloaded. Adds a control to the bottom of the .

Protected methodAddBottomLabel

Overloaded. Adds a new link to the bottom of the .

Protected methodAddCustomField

Adds the custom field.

Protected methodAddLicenseAgreementLink

Add a "License Agreement" link to the bottom of the form. When clicked shows the license EulaAddress on the form.

Inherited from SuperFormPanel.
Protected methodAddRegistrationField

Adds the registration field.

Protected methodAdjustFormScrollbars Inherited from ContainerControl.
Public methodBeginInvoke


Public methodBringToFront Inherited from Control.
Protected methodCheckUpgradeSerial

Checks to see if the target license is an upgrade and if so gathers the serial number of the original version from the user.

Protected methodClearBottomControls

Removes all controls added to the bottom of the SuperForm by AddBottomButton(String, Int32), AddBottomLabel(String, String, Image, Int32) and AddBottomControl(Control, Int32).

Inherited from SuperFormPanel.
Public methodContains Inherited from Control.
Protected methodCreateAccessibilityInstance Inherited from Control.
Public methodCreateControl Inherited from Control.
Protected methodCreateControlsInstance Inherited from Control.
Public methodCreateGraphics Inherited from Control.
Protected methodCreateHandle Inherited from Control.
Public methodCreateObjRef Inherited from MarshalByRefObject.
Protected methodDefWndProc Inherited from Control.
Protected methodDestroyHandle Inherited from Control.
Public methodDispose


Public methodDoDragDrop Inherited from Control.
Public methodDrawToBitmap Inherited from Control.
Public methodEndInvoke Inherited from Control.
Public methodEquals Inherited from Object.
Protected methodFinalize Inherited from Component.
Public methodFindForm Inherited from Control.
Public methodFocus Inherited from Control.
Protected methodFormActivated

Raised by the SuperForm to notify the panel that the main form has been activated.

Overrides SuperFormPanel..::..FormActivated()()()().
Protected methodGetAccessibilityObjectById Inherited from Control.
Protected methodGetAutoSizeMode Inherited from Control.
Public methodGetChildAtPoint


Public methodGetContainerControl Inherited from Control.
Public methodGetHashCode Inherited from Object.
Public methodGetLifetimeService Inherited from MarshalByRefObject.
Public methodGetNextControl Inherited from Control.
Public methodGetPreferredSize Inherited from Control.
Protected methodGetRegistrationInfo

Gathers all the registration fields into the SuperFormContext.RequestInfo.RegistrationInfo.

Protected methodGetScaledBounds Inherited from Control.
Protected methodGetScrollState Inherited from ScrollableControl.
Protected methodGetService Inherited from Component.
Protected methodGetStyle Inherited from Control.
Protected methodGetThemeColor

Gets a named color value from the SuperForm.Theme.

Inherited from SuperFormPanel.
Protected methodGetThemeProperty

Gets the named theme property.

Inherited from SuperFormPanel.
Protected methodGetTopLevel Inherited from Control.
Public methodGetType Inherited from Object.
Protected methodHandleBuyNow

Called when the user clicks on the "Buy Now" button or clicks on the purchase link.

Inherited from SuperFormPanel.
Protected methodHandleDontRegister

Called when the user selects "Don't Register".

Protected methodHandleEula

Called when the user clicks on the EULA link.

Inherited from SuperFormPanel.
Protected methodHandleKeyDown

Called to permit the panel to handle form "global" keys.

Inherited from SuperFormPanel.
Protected methodHandleNewSerial

Called to allow the user to enter a new serial number from any screen.

Inherited from SuperFormPanel.
Protected methodHandlePrivacyPolicy

Called when the user clicks on the privacy policy link.

Protected methodHandleRegister

Called when the user selects "Register".

Protected methodHandleRegisterLater

Called when the user selects "Register Later".

Protected methodHandleSelectExistingLicense

Called when the user presses Ctrl+Alt+F10 simultaneously to select a license installed elsewhere on the machine.

Inherited from SuperFormPanel.
Public methodHide Inherited from Control.
Public methodInitializeLifetimeService Inherited from MarshalByRefObject.
Protected methodInitializePanel

Called when the panel is displayed on the super form and needs to initialize it's user interface.

Overrides SuperFormPanel..::..InitializePanel()()()().
Protected methodInitLayout Inherited from Control.
Public methodInvalidate


Public methodInvoke


Protected methodInvokeGotFocus Inherited from Control.
Protected methodInvokeLostFocus Inherited from Control.
Protected methodInvokeOnClick Inherited from Control.
Protected methodInvokePaint Inherited from Control.
Protected methodInvokePaintBackground Inherited from Control.
Protected methodIsInputChar Inherited from Control.
Protected methodIsInputKey Inherited from Control.
Protected methodLoadPanel

Performs one time loading of the panel for the given context.

Overrides SuperFormPanel..::..LoadPanel(SecureLicenseContext).
Protected methodMemberwiseClone


Protected methodNotifyInvalidate Inherited from Control.
Protected methodOnAutoSizeChanged Inherited from Control.
Protected methodOnAutoValidateChanged Inherited from ContainerControl.
Protected methodOnBackColorChanged Inherited from Control.
Protected methodOnBackgroundImageChanged Inherited from Control.
Protected methodOnBackgroundImageLayoutChanged Inherited from Control.
Protected methodOnBindingContextChanged Inherited from Control.
Protected methodOnCausesValidationChanged Inherited from Control.
Protected methodOnChangeUICues Inherited from Control.
Protected methodOnClick Inherited from Control.
Protected methodOnClientSizeChanged Inherited from Control.
Protected methodOnContextMenuChanged Inherited from Control.
Protected methodOnContextMenuStripChanged Inherited from Control.
Protected methodOnControlAdded Inherited from Control.
Protected methodOnControlRemoved Inherited from Control.
Protected methodOnCreateControl Inherited from UserControl.
Protected methodOnCursorChanged Inherited from Control.
Protected methodOnDockChanged Inherited from Control.
Protected methodOnDoubleClick Inherited from Control.
Protected methodOnDragDrop Inherited from Control.
Protected methodOnDragEnter Inherited from Control.
Protected methodOnDragLeave Inherited from Control.
Protected methodOnDragOver Inherited from Control.
Protected methodOnEnabledChanged Inherited from Control.
Protected methodOnEnter Inherited from Control.
Protected methodOnFontChanged Inherited from ContainerControl.
Protected methodOnForeColorChanged Inherited from Control.
Protected methodOnGiveFeedback Inherited from Control.
Protected methodOnGotFocus Inherited from Control.
Protected methodOnHandleCreated

Raises the [E:HandleCreated] event.

Inherited from SplitPanel.
Protected methodOnHandleDestroyed Inherited from Control.
Protected methodOnHelpRequested Inherited from Control.
Protected methodOnImeModeChanged Inherited from Control.
Protected methodOnInvalidated Inherited from Control.
Protected methodOnKeyDown Inherited from Control.
Protected methodOnKeyPress Inherited from Control.
Protected methodOnKeyUp Inherited from Control.
Protected methodOnLayout Inherited from ContainerControl.
Protected methodOnLeave Inherited from Control.
Protected methodOnLoad Inherited from UserControl.
Protected methodOnLocationChanged Inherited from Control.
Protected methodOnLostFocus Inherited from Control.
Protected methodOnMarginChanged Inherited from Control.
Protected methodOnMouseCaptureChanged Inherited from Control.
Protected methodOnMouseClick Inherited from Control.
Protected methodOnMouseDoubleClick Inherited from Control.
Protected methodOnMouseDown Inherited from UserControl.
Protected methodOnMouseEnter Inherited from Control.
Protected methodOnMouseHover Inherited from Control.
Protected methodOnMouseLeave Inherited from Control.
Protected methodOnMouseMove Inherited from Control.
Protected methodOnMouseUp Inherited from Control.
Protected methodOnMouseWheel Inherited from ScrollableControl.
Protected methodOnMove Inherited from Control.
Protected methodOnNotifyMessage Inherited from Control.
Protected methodOnPaddingChanged Inherited from ScrollableControl.
Protected methodOnPaint

Raises the [E:Paint] event.

Inherited from SuperFormPanel.
Protected methodOnPaintBackground Inherited from ScrollableControl.
Protected methodOnParentBackColorChanged Inherited from Control.
Protected methodOnParentBackgroundImageChanged Inherited from Control.
Protected methodOnParentBindingContextChanged Inherited from Control.
Protected methodOnParentChanged Inherited from ContainerControl.
Protected methodOnParentCursorChanged Inherited from Control.
Protected methodOnParentEnabledChanged Inherited from Control.
Protected methodOnParentFontChanged Inherited from Control.
Protected methodOnParentForeColorChanged Inherited from Control.
Protected methodOnParentRightToLeftChanged Inherited from Control.
Protected methodOnParentVisibleChanged Inherited from Control.
Protected methodOnPreviewKeyDown Inherited from Control.
Protected methodOnPrint Inherited from Control.
Protected methodOnQueryContinueDrag Inherited from Control.
Protected methodOnRegionChanged Inherited from Control.
Protected methodOnResize Inherited from UserControl.
Protected methodOnRightToLeftChanged Inherited from ScrollableControl.
Protected methodOnScroll Inherited from ScrollableControl.
Protected methodOnSizeChanged Inherited from Control.
Protected methodOnStyleChanged Inherited from Control.
Protected methodOnSystemColorsChanged Inherited from Control.
Protected methodOnTabIndexChanged Inherited from Control.
Protected methodOnTabStopChanged Inherited from Control.
Protected methodOnTextChanged Inherited from Control.
Protected methodOnThemeChanged

Raises the ThemeChanged event.

Inherited from SuperFormPanel.
Protected methodOnValidated Inherited from Control.
Protected methodOnValidating Inherited from Control.
Protected methodOnVisibleChanged Inherited from ScrollableControl.
Protected methodPanelShown

Called when the panel has been shown and is ready to accept input.

Overrides SuperFormPanel..::..PanelShown(Boolean).
Public methodPerformAutoScale Inherited from ContainerControl.
Public methodPerformLayout


Public methodPointToClient Inherited from Control.
Public methodPointToScreen Inherited from Control.
Public methodPreProcessControlMessage Inherited from Control.
Public methodPreProcessMessage Inherited from Control.
Protected methodProcessCmdKey Inherited from ContainerControl.
Protected methodProcessDialogChar Inherited from ContainerControl.
Protected methodProcessDialogKey Inherited from ContainerControl.
Protected methodProcessKeyEventArgs Inherited from Control.
Protected methodProcessKeyMessage Inherited from Control.
Protected methodProcessKeyPreview Inherited from Control.
Protected methodProcessMnemonic Inherited from ContainerControl.
Protected methodProcessTabKey Inherited from ContainerControl.
Protected methodRaiseDragEvent Inherited from Control.
Protected methodRaiseKeyEvent Inherited from Control.
Protected methodRaiseMouseEvent Inherited from Control.
Protected methodRaisePaintEvent Inherited from Control.
Protected methodRecreateHandle Inherited from Control.
Public methodRectangleToClient Inherited from Control.
Public methodRectangleToScreen Inherited from Control.
Public methodRefresh Inherited from Control.
Public methodResetBackColor Inherited from Control.
Public methodResetBindings Inherited from Control.
Public methodResetCursor Inherited from Control.
Public methodResetFont Inherited from Control.
Public methodResetForeColor Inherited from Control.
Public methodResetImeMode Inherited from Control.
Protected methodResetMouseEventArgs Inherited from Control.
Public methodResetRightToLeft Inherited from Control.
Public methodResetText Inherited from Control.
Public methodResumeLayout


Protected methodReturn

The PanelResultHandler passed to ShowPanel(SuperFormPanel, PanelResultHandler, Boolean) will be called to notify the caller that the panel has returned.

Inherited from SuperFormPanel.
Protected methodRtlTranslateAlignment


Protected methodRtlTranslateContent Inherited from Control.
Protected methodRtlTranslateHorizontal Inherited from Control.
Protected methodRtlTranslateLeftRight Inherited from Control.
Public methodScale


Protected methodScaleControl Inherited from ScrollableControl.
Protected methodScaleCore Inherited from ScrollableControl.
Public methodScrollControlIntoView Inherited from ScrollableControl.
Protected methodScrollToControl Inherited from ScrollableControl.
Public methodSelect


Public methodSelectNextControl Inherited from Control.
Public methodSendToBack Inherited from Control.
Public methodSetAutoScrollMargin Inherited from ScrollableControl.
Protected methodSetAutoSizeMode Inherited from Control.
Public methodSetBounds


Protected methodSetBoundsCore Inherited from Control.
Protected methodSetClientSizeCore Inherited from Control.
Protected methodSetDisplayRectLocation Inherited from ScrollableControl.
Protected methodSetHeader

Sets the text to display in the header of the SuperForm.

Inherited from SuperFormPanel.
Protected methodSetScrollState Inherited from ScrollableControl.
Protected methodSetStyle Inherited from Control.
Protected methodSetTopLevel Inherited from Control.
Protected methodSetVisibleCore Inherited from Control.
Public methodShow Inherited from Control.
Protected methodShowControlsWithEffects

Changes the visibility of the controls using special effects.

Inherited from SuperFormPanel.
Protected methodShowDialogWithEffects

Shows the given form as a modal dialog using special effects to bring the form into view.

Inherited from SuperFormPanel.
Protected methodShowException

Shows an exception report to the user using default formatting and processing rules.

Inherited from SuperFormPanel.
Protected methodShowMessageBox

Overloaded. Shows a message box to the user.

Public methodShowPage


Protected methodShowPanel

Overloaded. Shows a on the .

Protected methodSizeFromClientSize Inherited from Control.
Public methodSuspendLayout Inherited from Control.
Public methodToString Inherited from Component.
Public methodUpdate Inherited from Control.
Protected methodUpdateBounds


Protected methodUpdateDefaultButton Inherited from ContainerControl.
Protected methodUpdateFromTheme

Called to update the panel's color's and images from the parent form's theme.

Overrides SplitPanel..::..UpdateFromTheme()()()().
Protected methodUpdateStyles Inherited from Control.
Protected methodUpdateZOrder Inherited from Control.
Public methodValidate


Public methodValidateChildren


Protected methodValidateForm

Validates the form.

Protected methodWndProc Inherited from UserControl.


Protected fieldBodyPanel

The panel where body controls are hosted.

Inherited from SplitPanel.
Protected fieldSidePanel

The panel where side controls are hosted.

Inherited from SplitPanel.


Public propertyAccessibilityObject Inherited from Control.
Public propertyAccessibleDefaultActionDescription Inherited from Control.
Public propertyAccessibleDescription Inherited from Control.
Public propertyAccessibleName Inherited from Control.
Public propertyAccessibleRole Inherited from Control.
Public propertyActiveControl Inherited from ContainerControl.
Public propertyAllowDrop Inherited from Control.
Public propertyAnchor Inherited from Control.
Public propertyAutoScaleDimensions Inherited from ContainerControl.
Protected propertyAutoScaleFactor Inherited from ContainerControl.
Public propertyAutoScaleMode Inherited from ContainerControl.
Public propertyAutoScroll Inherited from ScrollableControl.
Public propertyAutoScrollMargin Inherited from ScrollableControl.
Public propertyAutoScrollMinSize Inherited from ScrollableControl.
Public propertyAutoScrollOffset Inherited from Control.
Public propertyAutoScrollPosition Inherited from ScrollableControl.
Public propertyAutoSize Inherited from UserControl.
Public propertyAutoSizeMode Inherited from UserControl.
Public propertyAutoValidate Inherited from UserControl.
Public propertyBackColor Inherited from Control.
Public propertyBackgroundImage Inherited from Control.
Public propertyBackgroundImageLayout Inherited from Control.
Public propertyBindingContext Inherited from ContainerControl.
Public propertyBorderStyle Inherited from UserControl.
Public propertyBottom Inherited from Control.
Public propertyBounds Inherited from Control.
Public propertyCanClose

Gets or sets a value that indicates if the form can be closed.

Inherited from SuperFormPanel.
Protected propertyCanEnableIme Inherited from ContainerControl.
Public propertyCanFocus Inherited from Control.
Protected propertyCanRaiseEvents Inherited from Control.
Public propertyCanSelect Inherited from Control.
Public propertyCapture Inherited from Control.
Public propertyCausesValidation Inherited from Control.
Public propertyClientRectangle Inherited from Control.
Public propertyClientSize Inherited from Control.
Public propertyCompanyName Inherited from Control.
Public propertyContainer Inherited from Component.
Public propertyContainsFocus Inherited from Control.
Public propertyContextMenu Inherited from Control.
Public propertyContextMenuStrip Inherited from Control.
Public propertyControls Inherited from Control.
Public propertyCreated Inherited from Control.
Protected propertyCreateParams Inherited from UserControl.
Public propertyCurrentAutoScaleDimensions Inherited from ContainerControl.
Public propertyCursor Inherited from Control.
Public propertyDataBindings Inherited from Control.
Protected propertyDefaultCursor Inherited from Control.
Public propertyDefaultIconName

Gets or sets the comma separate list of SuperFormTheme image names to use for the default icon.

Inherited from SplitPanel.
Protected propertyDefaultImeMode Inherited from Control.
Protected propertyDefaultMargin Inherited from Control.
Protected propertyDefaultMaximumSize Inherited from Control.
Protected propertyDefaultMinimumSize Inherited from Control.
Protected propertyDefaultPadding Inherited from Control.
Protected propertyDefaultSize Inherited from UserControl.
Protected propertyDesignMode Inherited from Component.
Public propertyDisplayRectangle Inherited from ScrollableControl.
Public propertyDisposing Inherited from Control.
Public propertyDock Inherited from Control.
Public propertyDockPadding Inherited from ScrollableControl.
Protected propertyDoubleBuffered Inherited from Control.
Public propertyEnabled Inherited from Control.
Protected propertyEvents Inherited from Component.
Public propertyFirstInitialization

Gets a value that indicates if the panel is performing it's first initialization.

Inherited from SuperFormPanel.
Public propertyFocused Inherited from Control.
Public propertyFont Inherited from Control.
Protected propertyFontHeight Inherited from Control.
Public propertyForeColor Inherited from Control.
Public propertyHandle Inherited from Control.
Public propertyHasChildren Inherited from Control.
Public propertyHeight Inherited from Control.
Public propertyHorizontalScroll Inherited from ScrollableControl.
Protected propertyHScroll Inherited from ScrollableControl.
Public propertyIcon

Gets or sets the Icon to display in the split panel. Should be between 32x32 and 48x48.

Inherited from SplitPanel.
Public propertyImeMode Inherited from Control.
Protected propertyImeModeBase Inherited from Control.
Public propertyInvokeRequired Inherited from Control.
Public propertyIsAccessible Inherited from Control.
Public propertyIsDisposed Inherited from Control.
Public propertyIsHandleCreated Inherited from Control.
Public propertyIsMirrored Inherited from Control.
Public propertyKeepSupportVisible

Gets or sets a value that indicates if the support panel should remain visible.

Inherited from SuperFormPanel.
Public propertyLayoutEngine Inherited from Control.
Public propertyLeft Inherited from Control.
Public propertyLimit

Gets the Limit that created the panel.

Inherited from SuperFormPanel.
Public propertyLocation Inherited from Control.
Public propertyLogo

Gets or sets the Logo to display in the split panel, covers the Icon. The image may be a maximum of 130x115.

Inherited from SplitPanel.
Public propertyMargin Inherited from Control.
Public propertyMaximumSize Inherited from Control.
Public propertyMinimumSize Inherited from Control.
Public propertyName Inherited from Control.
Public propertyPadding Inherited from Control.
Public propertyParent Inherited from Control.
Public propertyParentForm Inherited from ContainerControl.
Public propertyPreferredSize Inherited from Control.
Public propertyProductName Inherited from Control.
Public propertyProductVersion Inherited from Control.
Public propertyRecreatingHandle Inherited from Control.
Public propertyRegion Inherited from Control.
Protected propertyRenderRightToLeft Obsolete. Inherited from Control.
Protected propertyResizeRedraw Inherited from Control.
Public propertyRight Inherited from Control.
Public propertyRightToLeft Inherited from Control.
Protected propertyScaleChildren Inherited from Control.
Protected propertyShowFocusCues Inherited from Control.
Protected propertyShowKeyboardCues Inherited from Control.
Public propertySite Inherited from Control.
Public propertySize Inherited from Control.
Public propertySuperForm

Gets the SuperForm that owns the panel.

Inherited from SuperFormPanel.
Public propertyTabIndex Inherited from Control.
Public propertyTabStop Inherited from Control.
Public propertyTag Inherited from Control.
Public propertyText Inherited from UserControl.
Public propertyTop Inherited from Control.
Public propertyTopLevelControl Inherited from Control.
Public propertyUseWaitCursor Inherited from Control.
Public propertyVerticalScroll Inherited from ScrollableControl.
Public propertyVisible Inherited from Control.
Protected propertyVScroll Inherited from ScrollableControl.
Public propertyWidth Inherited from Control.
Public propertyWindowTarget Inherited from Control.


Public eventAutoSizeChanged Inherited from UserControl.
Public eventAutoValidateChanged Inherited from UserControl.
Public eventBackColorChanged Inherited from Control.
Public eventBackgroundImageChanged Inherited from Control.
Public eventBackgroundImageLayoutChanged Inherited from Control.
Public eventBindingContextChanged Inherited from Control.
Public eventCausesValidationChanged Inherited from Control.
Public eventChangeUICues Inherited from Control.
Public eventClick Inherited from Control.
Public eventClientSizeChanged Inherited from Control.
Public eventContextMenuChanged Inherited from Control.
Public eventContextMenuStripChanged Inherited from Control.
Public eventControlAdded Inherited from Control.
Public eventControlRemoved Inherited from Control.
Public eventCursorChanged Inherited from Control.
Public eventDisposed Inherited from Component.
Public eventDockChanged Inherited from Control.
Public eventDoubleClick Inherited from Control.
Public eventDragDrop Inherited from Control.
Public eventDragEnter Inherited from Control.
Public eventDragLeave Inherited from Control.
Public eventDragOver Inherited from Control.
Public eventEnabledChanged Inherited from Control.
Public eventEnter Inherited from Control.
Public eventFontChanged Inherited from Control.
Public eventForeColorChanged Inherited from Control.
Public eventGiveFeedback Inherited from Control.
Public eventGotFocus Inherited from Control.
Public eventHandleCreated Inherited from Control.
Public eventHandleDestroyed Inherited from Control.
Public eventHelpRequested Inherited from Control.
Public eventImeModeChanged Inherited from Control.
Public eventInvalidated Inherited from Control.
Public eventKeyDown Inherited from Control.
Public eventKeyPress Inherited from Control.
Public eventKeyUp Inherited from Control.
Public eventLayout Inherited from Control.
Public eventLeave Inherited from Control.
Public eventLoad Inherited from UserControl.
Public eventLocationChanged Inherited from Control.
Public eventLostFocus Inherited from Control.
Public eventMarginChanged Inherited from Control.
Public eventMouseCaptureChanged Inherited from Control.
Public eventMouseClick Inherited from Control.
Public eventMouseDoubleClick Inherited from Control.
Public eventMouseDown Inherited from Control.
Public eventMouseEnter Inherited from Control.
Public eventMouseHover Inherited from Control.
Public eventMouseLeave Inherited from Control.
Public eventMouseMove Inherited from Control.
Public eventMouseUp Inherited from Control.
Public eventMouseWheel Inherited from Control.
Public eventMove Inherited from Control.
Public eventPaddingChanged Inherited from Control.
Public eventPaint Inherited from Control.
Public eventParentChanged Inherited from Control.
Public eventPreviewKeyDown Inherited from Control.
Public eventQueryAccessibilityHelp Inherited from Control.
Public eventQueryContinueDrag Inherited from Control.
Public eventRegionChanged Inherited from Control.
Public eventResize Inherited from Control.
Public eventRightToLeftChanged Inherited from Control.
Public eventScroll Inherited from ScrollableControl.
Public eventSizeChanged Inherited from Control.
Public eventStyleChanged Inherited from Control.
Public eventSystemColorsChanged Inherited from Control.
Public eventTabIndexChanged Inherited from Control.
Public eventTabStopChanged Inherited from Control.
Public eventTextChanged Inherited from UserControl.
Public eventThemeChanged

Fired when the Theme changes.

Inherited from SuperFormPanel.
Public eventValidated Inherited from Control.
Public eventValidating Inherited from Control.
Public eventVisibleChanged Inherited from Control.