DeployLX Software Protection System

LicenseKey..::..MakeActivationCode Method

Makes a code that can be used to activate a license containing an ActivationLimit, tying the software to a specific hardware profile.


Public Function MakeActivationCode ( _
	prefix As String, _
	serialNumber As String, _
	hash As String, _
	refid As Integer, _
	expires As DateTime, _
	characterSet As String, _
	algorithm As CodeAlgorithm _
) As String
public string MakeActivationCode(
	string prefix,
	string serialNumber,
	string hash,
	int refid,
	DateTime expires,
	string characterSet,
	CodeAlgorithm algorithm


The Prefix of the SecureLicense the code will be used to activate.
The SerialNumber of the SecureLicense to activate.
The hash of the MachineProfile to activate.
The refid of the ActivationProfile to unlock (Between 1 & 255).
The day when the activation code expires and cannot be used to unlock a machine. Defaults to 1 week.
The character set to use when generating the code. Must match the CharacterSet of the SecureLicense. If nullNothingnullptra null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) uses the default character set for the given algorithm.
Must match the algorithm configured by the ActivationLimit.

Return Value

Returns a code that can be used to activate a license for a specific machine profile.


See the Hardware Locking and the Activation Process topic for details about hardware locking.

Assembly:  DeployLX.Licensing.Management.v5 (in DeployLX.Licensing.Management.v5.dll)

See Also