DeployLX Software Protection System

MachineProfile Members

The MachineProfile type exposes the following members.


Public methodMachineProfile

Initializes a new instance of the MachineProfile class.


Public methodStatic memberCheckIsDefault

Determines if the hardware list has the same components and weights as the default profile.

Public methodStatic memberCompareHash

Overloaded. Compares two machine profile hashes and determines the amount of difference.

Public methodEquals Inherited from Object.
Protected methodFinalize Inherited from Object.
Public methodStatic memberGetAdditionalData

Gets any additional data encoded into the hash.

Public methodGetComparableHash

Creates a hash value for the current profile that can be compared with other hashes to determine the relative similarity of two hardware profiles without actually having knowledge of the exact machine characteristics.

Public methodGetComparableHashFromDiagnostic

Creates a comparable hash from the output of the GetDiagnosticHash()()()() method.

Public methodStatic memberGetDefaultProfile

Gets the default hardware profile.

Public methodGetDiagnosticHash

Generates a diagnostic hash that can be used in determining the exact components in the machine.

Public methodStatic memberGetDifferences

Overloaded. Returns an array of the list of hardware differences.

Public methodGetHashCode Inherited from Object.
Public methodStatic memberGetHashVersion

Gets the version of the hashing algorithm used to generate the hash.

Public methodGetType Inherited from Object.
Public methodStatic memberIsHashValid

Determines whether the given hash has a valid format.

Public methodStatic memberIsLaptopHash

Determines if the profile hash represents a laptop profile.

Protected methodMemberwiseClone Inherited from Object.
Public methodToString Inherited from Object.


Public propertyHardwareList

Gets or sets the HardwareList value.

Public propertyHash

Gets the comparable hash for the MachineProfile.

Public propertyStatic memberIsLaptop

Gets a value that indicates if the current machine is a laptop.

Public propertyStatic memberIsVirtualMachine

Gets a value that indicates if the current os is running inside a virtual machine.

Public propertyStatic memberMachineType

Gets the MachineType of the current machine.

Public propertyStatic memberProfile

Gets the profile of the current machine.

Public propertyStatic memberUse64BitCompatibleCpuid

Gets or sets a value that indicates if 32-bit processes should use CPUID compatible with 64-bit versions of the application to generate consistent profile hashes in both environments.

Public propertyVersion

Gets or sets the version of the profile hash.